Online Smart Shopper

7 Tips for Saving on High Gas Prices

by Alistair Lancaster

Gas prices can be a real drain on our budgets, especially during periods of high prices. However, there are several simple ways to reduce your fuel expenses and make your tank last longer. Here’s a look at some tips for saving on gas that can help you stretch your dollars further:

Carpool or use public transportation: If you’re commuting to work or running errands, consider carpooling or using public transportation. Not only will you save money on gas, but you’ll also reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.

Combine errands: Before you hit the road, take a few minutes to plan the most efficient route. By combining several errands into one trip, you can avoid extra miles, save time, and reduce the amount of gas you use.

Drive sensibly: Aggressive driving habits, such as rapid acceleration and braking, can significantly decrease your fuel efficiency. Slow down and drive the speed limit to maximize your car’s efficiency and reduce your gas expenses.

Keep your vehicle well-maintained: Regular maintenance, such as keeping your tires properly inflated and changing your air filter, can increase your car’s fuel efficiency by up to 3%.

Sign Up for a Membership Club: Those who are part of a membership club often find that gas prices are lower there. Taking advantage of the saving may require sitting in line for a while, because this is a popular stop for people to gas up their vehicles. However, the savings can be significant.

Lighten the load: The more weight your vehicle is carrying, the harder it has to work and the more gas it uses. Remove any unnecessary items from your trunk to reduce the load on your vehicle.

Use cruise control: If you’re driving on the highway, use cruise control to maintain a consistent speed. This can help you avoid sudden acceleration and braking, which can use more gas.

You can save money on gas and stretch your tank further. So the next time you’re filling up at the pump, remember to plan your route, slow down, maintain your vehicle, lighten the load, and use cruise control. Your wallet will thank you!